Molly’s into the Masons, jars that is. Tom notices British TV invading. And we all get paleo with our diets. Bring on the sabre-tooth steaks!
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Show notes:
Mason jarson Pinterest
Old time Mason jars become hip
What’s with all the Mason jar products?
Price of pine nuts skyrockets

Molly’s got a new exercise trend and Tom’s discovered a new way to leave parties.
Episode link
Show notes:
Tough Mudder
Irish Exit (thank Andy Beach)
Craft bourbon isn’t the same as beer

Molly’s caught on to the fact that we’re not men, women, gay or straight anymore. What we are is concerened with the perfect boiled egg.
Episode link
Show notes:
Rejecting “the gender binary”
The 5:10 egg and the great egg debate
Galco’s Soda Pop shop
Chow article about Galco’s

Molly’s got a warning about grocery bags and Tom’s into small batch sodas, but the revelation about vacuum cleaner culture sweeps away the rest.
Episode link
Show notes:
Health warning over reusable plastic bags
Specialty soda
@bawitdaba1337 Yes, there is a vacuum-cleaner subculture

for Tom's full site visit