The International Anime League crowned a champion at the Tokyo Dome in front a “Super No Vacancy” audience, and Djm had two guests up in the press box. The Deej was joined by FSL Tonight’s Tom Merritt & Justin Robert Young at the Dragon Sports Talk studio affiliate in Japan for the championship wrap-up.
Did the ladies from Luna City slay the Dragon? Did Goku cement his legacy as the greatest of all time? Did Tom & Justin come out of the world of the Anime League in one piece, or were their power levels just not high enough for the catgirls and Anime League extravagance?
The International Anime League crowned a champion at the Tokyo Dome in front a “Super No Vacancy” audience, and Djm had two guests up in the press box. The Deej was joined by FSL Tonight’s Tom Merritt & Justin Robert Young at the Dragon Sports Talk studio affiliate in Japan for the championship wrap-up.
Did the ladies from Luna City slay the Dragon? Did Goku cement his legacy as the greatest of all time? Did Tom & Justin come out of the world of the Anime League in one piece, or were their power levels just not high enough for the catgirls and Anime League extravagance?
The 2013 season proved to be an amazing one for all, but none more so than the FSL Champion San Francisco Federation. Now that they’ve been crowned champs, get geared up and show your pride.
Federation T-shirts are available in White, Black or Ash in Adult, Ladies, Youth and even Toddler sizes. Head on over to Slashloot and grab a couple!
Once your in uniform, it’s time to bring the team home! With Fatheads! The new Federation Team Fathead Wall Graphic will let you show off your team pride in style. Get one for home and another for away missions.
The 2013 season proved to be an amazing one for all, but none more so than the FSL Champion San Francisco Federation. Now that they’ve been crowned champs, get geared up and show your pride.
Federation T-shirts are available in White, Black or Ash in Adult, Ladies, Youth and even Toddler sizes. Head on over to Slashloot and grab a couple!
Once your in uniform, it’s time to bring the team home! With Fatheads! The new Federation Team Fathead Wall Graphic will let you show off your team pride in style. Get one for home and another for away missions.