India’s Aadhaar ID system’s databased has been compromised via a software patch. Tinder makes its “Top Picks” curated match service available worldwide. The Ocean Cleanup Project started towing System 001 to the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” to begin field trials of the apparatus and evaluate its effectiveness at cleaning plastic garbage from the ocean.
Monthly Archives: September 2018
Little Frankie
Cordkillers 235 – Amazon as in Beer (w/ Nicole Lee)
Mr. Robot to end, Dr. Who coming soon, and Spotify adds Showtime for students. All this and more on Cordkillers! With special guest Nicole Lee.
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DTNS 3364 – Gemini: The Same Side of Two Coins
We checkout the latest developments in the world of cryptocurrency as New York approves the Winklesvoss backed Gemini Trust and Paxo Trust stablecoins and we raise the question about the long term stability of cryptocurrency.
DTNS 3363 – Space Elevators, Will They Take Off?
The benefits of transportation science can be seen in everything we use, wear and touch. We check out the latest developments in transportation technology from space elevators to light-sails.
Nash Dragon
DTNS 3362 – Oh The Hu-manity
Medical data has always been treated as sacrosanct. But if startup Hu-manity has it way you might be treating your own medical data as more of a commodity and not just a privacy issue.
Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Justin Robert Young.
Scapegoat Valley
The heads of Twitter and Facebook return to Capital Hill for another round of grilling. What was discussed and what will change?
DTNS 3360 – E-olympics: Battle of the Thumbs
The president of the International Olympic Committee has told the AP “We cannot have in the Olympic program a game which is promoting violence or discrimination… They, from our point of view, are contradictory to the Olympic values and cannot therefore be accepted.” Meanwhile eSports tournaments will be held at the 2018 Asian Games. Can eSports find legitimacy among traditional sporting competitions?
DTNS 3360 – E-olympics: Battle of the Thumbs
The president of the International Olympic Committee has told the AP “We cannot have in the Olympic program a game which is promoting violence or discrimination… They, from our point of view, are contradictory to the Olympic values and cannot therefore be accepted.” Meanwhile eSports tournaments will be held at the 2018 Asian Games. Can eSports find legitimacy among traditional sporting competitions?